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Requirements and conditions


                                                                      Photo and short film contest "Rhodopes - captured moments"


Show the beauty of the Rhodopes, photograph the moments of life in the Rhodope Mountains, urban and rural areas, show the nature, customs and fun moments from your vacation or life in the Rhodope Mountains.


1. Landscapes and wildlife - Make a landscape view of nature in different regions and areas in the Rhodope Mountains. Family farms with environmentally sustainable management and beautiful urban gardens, wild animals and plants in their natural habitats in the Rhodopes.
2. Customs and traditional crafts - Take a picture of local customs, crafts, holidays, symbols and cultural monuments of the Rhodopes photographed from an interesting angle.
3. Funny moments from your vacation in Rhodope mountains.

For winning the most points by online voting and voting by the jury there are great prizes which you can see here

Application requirements for photos:
Deadline: October 15, 2017 - 22.00 pm. EET
Please download from HERE and complete the online application form and send to: photocontest[at]
Photos will be accepted only:
• by e-mail in electronic format (extension JPG) not more than the total of 10 MB.
• a candidate may participate with maximum of 3 photos.
• a file name, including the author's name and title of the photo, such as: Firstname_Surname_Title.jpg
• sent by email, including:
- The location (the name of the area / location) and what is captured in the image.
- If you have a related story, description or message explain in up to three sentences (English).
• With a JPG file type (compression may not exceed Adobe Photoshop JPG larger than 10 MB)
• minimum size: 3 megapixels (2,000 x 1,500 pixels)

Other conditions:
• You must be the photographer and the owner of the copyright for each image.
• Photographs must be taken in the Rhodope mountains and to be taken within the last 5 years.
• The received and selected photos will be uploaded to an online gallery.

- Un allowed additional image processing: photo collages, images being digitally retouched and containing inscriptions, graphics, frames and dates are not acceptable.

In case the applicant does not meet the above requirements, the organizers have the right to exclude participants from the competition!
The received images will be evaluated on the basis of:
• Content
• Creativity
• Original coverage of the characteristic or unique features of the Rhodope mountains
• Strength of the message for environmental protection, traditions and crafts
• Professionalism


• Please download from HERE and fill in the online application form and send to shortfilmcontest[at]
• Send us a short film of 30 seconds to 3 minutes;
• Movies can be of any genre (animation, puppet, documentary, or interviews, etc.).
• Send us an original film (any film format) by the stated below file transfer with high resolution (at least 720 pixels wide)
• In addition to the movie file it is necessary to send to us the following files by Wetransfer (up to 2GB file size - or through My Air Bridge (up to 5GB file size - ):
- File syncronized with English subtitles (.srt format). A separate file with synchronized subtitles applies to films without dialogue, but with floating titles / texts. Accepted subtitles in English only!

• Deadline October 15, 2017 22:00 pm. EET
• An applicant may submit no more than three videos (as applied online with separate applications).

Please note that in the event that any of the criteria stated above is not met, the application will not be accepted!
The resulting short films will be selected based on:
- Creativity
- Original coverage of the characteristic or unique features of the Rhodope mountains
- Strength of the message of environmental or cultural identity
- Professionalism

Jury consisting of professionals and NGO members will announce the winners on November 30, 2017
All submitted videos and photos will be uploaded to on November 1, 2017, where visitors will be able to see them and vote online for the best video and pictures - from 1st to 25th November 2017. If we have any ethical considerations or suspect incorrect voting, we reserve the right to exclude the candidate from the competition without further notice.
Winners will be notified by email and will be available on from 01/12/2017

Terms and conditions:
Candidates in this contest for photo and short film confirm that the organizers, namely "Rhodope Mountains without Borders" are free to use the photos and videos of candidates.
The organizers are provided with the exclusive rights and the default data for them, including, without limitation, the exclusive right to use, to give license and provide photos and films with all the resulting rights to all existing or emerging after media in all languages worldwide, including the right to allow photos or films to be published and viewed from a third party on the website or in printed materials of a third party. Participants agree that the organizers are free to use, play and publish photos and films, and parts thereof for free and without restrictions. A participant has no right to claim or seek compensation in court in connection with copyright.

The photos and short films that take part in the contest must NOT take a part in other contests, be published in magazines or other media to the date of their participation. The ownership of the photos and short films must NOT be transferred or provided to third parties without the consent of the organizers.
The organizers do not have the right to make any significant changes in the films without the permission of their creators. If the films are broadcasted by the organizers, the organizers shall always denote the movie title and the name of the director / producer. The organizers are not liable for copyright infringement by the participants.
The organizers reserve the right to exclude from the competition any movie or photo if during the voting doubts arise in the ethics or legality in relation to the copyright







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